Why your website should not reside with IT

Why your website should not reside with IT

Back in the days of simple HTML websites, an IT department managed the company website. The website had a simple role – to say a bit about the company and display the contact information. However, times have changed, and a company website is a promotional, marketing, and sales tool. It serves the needs of many departments and should be maintained by a professional who understands the big picture.

Role of a Web Ambassador

A Web Ambassador is usually at a management level and has a complete understanding of your business strategy, including marketing and sales. Though she does not need to be a programmer, she must know web systems and technical functionalities, and online marketing strategies.

Your Web Ambassador should be the point of contact for all your departments. Her job is to make sure that the website’s content and functionality fulfill all the departments’ needs and actively help them achieve their goals. She should also know how to ‘translate’ your Google Analytics reports in plain English, suggest specific improvements, estimate costs and return on investment. Web Ambassador can be an internal position within your company, or it can be a trusted consultant.

A website should not be in the domain of a single department

The risk of having your website reside with a single department is that it may center around that department’s needs. Unfortunately, communication among various departments is not always ideal. If your website resides with Marketing, it may be marketing-oriented but may not support the needs of the sales. And,  if it lives with Sales, it may turn into a sales pitch that may jeopardize your marketing efforts.

Take time to go over your website and talk to your employees to find out how the website helps them achieve their goals. Ask them to make a wishlist of things they would like to see on the website. This is a great opportunity for a brainstorming session that may reveal your web presence’s hidden potential.